Thursday, January 21, 2010

My Dates With the Dildo Cam

I think we are getting serious, the dildo cam and I.

Our relationship has taken, ahhh let's say a deeper turn? I wish we were exclusive, I have this nagging feeling that he's seeing other women. Can't expect less from a player I suppose. I know I could stop dating him but my mind is set. I guess I'm a sucker for punishment, it's just that he says the most romantic things to me and he makes my heart flip.

For example, on Saturday when we first started seeing each other, he told me that my lining was 4.4mm and that I could start shooting up the good stuff that night. No other dildo cam that has courted me ever said: honey take Gonal F and 1 vial of Menopur every night until our next date. Sweet, right? And then on Tuesday he decided to up me to 2 vials of Menopur. But so far the best news has been that my lining went up to 10mm. I'm slowly falling in love, the one thing that's holding me back is that he doesn't give me good news on my follicles. They are the same from Tuesday to Thursday, a bunch of small follies in each ovary. I need them to grow, darn it!

If he gives me bad news tomorrow morning I might start reconsidering our relationship, there are lots of other dildo cams that might give me just what I want. Guess I'm a player too.


  1. Lol...I love referring to it as the dildo cam. So true!

    Sometimes those follies will take a few days before they start to cooperate...they'll probably increase your doses too. You got this!!!

  2. Hi playa!
    You take control of your date tomorrow and tell you dear dildo cam that you demand bigger follies.
    Thanks for the laugh.

  3. Haha too funny. Never thought of it like that before.:) hoping you get good news tomorrow!!

  4. I have my first monthly appt. with my dildo-cam on Saturday. I'm so pumped. I'm hoping he will tell me I have no cysts this cycle. Here's to your follies: Grow Dang it! Grow!

  5. Grow grow grow!!! I'm going tomorrow for a date with my dildo-cam too!! We both better get some goods news about our follies!!

  6. Hey, I know how you feel about the follies. Grow, follies, grow! Hope your next date with the dildo cam ends with some good follie news!

  7. Good luck with the follies!!! Keeping my fingers crossed they look great tomorrow!!!

  8. How does Jeff feel about this relationship?

    I hope you and your cam are very happy together.

  9. That was priceless! (But I guess I should be a good blogger friend and let you know that....I've been seeing the dildo cam too behind your back.)

  10. "A deeper turn" lol you are too much! Good luck with your date.

  11. Dildo cam, it makes me blush!
    Sorry they upped your menopur, I'm guessing it means an extra injection? Good luck with your follies!

  12. If only all dildo cams were created equal.

  13. I hope you're making him wear protection : ) Sorry. I couldn't resist. I'm always freaked out by the dildo cam ... so many women using him all day long! Oh and I'm sooooo jealous of your lining.

  14. I dumped the dildo cam, but somehow he has convinced me to give our relationship another try. I told him this is the last time ;-)

  15. Oh God Shanny you are out of this world lol
    How was your man this morning? Do tell, with details :)

  16. Get your "hands" off my man! The dildo cam is mine, we are exclusive. You are a home wrecker!

  17. I'm glad things are going so well! Good luck! I really hope your follicles start growing. I'm praying for you girl.

  18. Thanks for the laugh! It was much needed!

    How did your date go? :)

  19. You crack me up, girl!

  20. Thanks for making my day better!~

  21. the new blog design
    second. This makes me pee my pants.

    love it. Glad you're laughing


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