Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Comment away...

Comments make the blogging world go round, go round, go round…

Now all my dear bloggers out there, you know its true… we love comments. I know we write basically for ourselves and to keep a journal because honestly this blog thing is pretty handy dandy. Its also a way to reach out to those who are going through similar experiences and for them to know they are not alone, ect, ect.

I love reading other blogs because I love reading period. The great thing is that these journeys I’m reading are real and I can truly feel happy or sad with my Internet friends. And most importantly, being able to share with you guys instead of people in real life keeps me sane. They just don’t get it. How funny is it that we don’t think twice to share our secrets with the Internet world but the minute people we know find out our secrets all hell breaks loose? Strange behavior I tell ya….

So what brought this post on?

Well, I’m bothered by something. How is it that I’ve been blogging for almost a year and the most comments I’ve ever received was when Jeff blogged? WTF? 25 comments for Jeff but not for me? In all fairness he was blogging about my health (Jeff's post) but still. That adorable creature has to be better at everything…. I love you honey but it’s a bit mean of you, no? And since he nonchalantly shoved that in my face a while ago saying I might never beat him, and it stuck to me, I decided to beg for comments. Would you help me kick his comment's butt? lol

It's just not fair to post on someone else's blog and steal their thunder.... Is it?


  1. Husbands have a way of swooping in and stealing our thunder don't they? Sometimes you have to take one for the team, but today you don't. I'm lucky comment #1.

    Winks & Smiles,

  2. Tell him we were only commenting for your sake, it had nothing to do with him being the author. Heart you love!

  3. Maybe I'll leave 5 comments here! :)

  4. You're too funny! Sounds like you and hubby have a fun relationship. I hope you beat him!

  5. LOL, how dare he steal your thunder?


  6. Hahaha! I love it! I hope you have something to tease him back with soon. :) And Elysia is totally right. I think if you had been able to blog at the time, you might have gotten even more comments.

  7. This is quite amusing! I hope you beat him!

  8. Good luck!!!

    Jaime :D

  9. I'm ridiculously bad at leaving comments because I read my blogs through bloglines, but if it means beating Jeff, then I will comment away ;)

  10. Girls, sweet SMART girls, don't fall for Shanny's trap here - I want you to think for yourselves for a sec here. Commenting should be truly inspired by the blog itself, not someone "begging" for to beat their better half! Remember, I love you all and appreciate your support...NO MORE THAN 24 COMMENTS!!! - Your Friend, Always and Forever, Jeff

  11. Hahaha...I love it!

    Shanny dear! I hope you get all the comments you need to kick his butt ;) haha

    Much love!!!

  12. I have to say I hope you beat him too lol! I promise to be a better follower from now on!

  13. Yes, I do also have to say that I hope like heck you beat him. I just think he caught everyone off by surprise when he got on a posted about your health. It was a sweet gesture. But I'm like you and love to read and feel better when I telling my internet friends my secrets than blabbing them to my IRL friends. I hope this post helps you out! ;)

  14. Shanny - this is sooo funny. I know what you mean though, my DH has a way of showing me up from time to time. I hope you beat Jeff!

  15. Aww, as soon as we start doing something good our guys just want to swoop in and be a part of it. It is sweet, but he cannot beat you at your own game!!! I vote for the Mrs. Sorry Jeff!
    xo Knelli

  16. Everything has to be a competition, doesn't it? Good thing I am competitive!

  17. i really enjoy reading your blog. it brings happiness to my life.

  18. Good luck!! We have to support our fellow nesties. :)

  19. Really, his post wasn't his at all! The first line says that he is blogging FOR you, so it wasn't even his!

  20. Hey Shanny! Love your blog! xxoo

  21. I hope you beat him, Shanny!!


  22. I love your wedding picture on your blog. My husband and I are really competetive, Im sure you will win!!

  23. My husband did the same thing one time and got lots of comments on his one post! Men are too funny!

  24. If he only got 25 comments then this one will make you the WINNER because I am #26!! I SURE HOPE YOU BEAT HIM!! :-D

  25. Tell your husband you just won :)

  26. I hope this comment finds you coming out ahead of hubby! All in good fun, right?

  27. Hopefully this comment finds you ahead of hubby! All in good fun, right? I hope you clobber him in comments!

  28. Great blog! I look forward to reading more. By the way, lovin your bathroom!


  29. Don't let me him steel your thunder some of your TTCAL posts are my favorite. There will be only one champion stepping out of the Thunder Dome and it is you my friend!

  30. Your blog is 'da bomb and so are you! :)

  31. hahahaha sis you already kick his butt I'm # 35 it fells good to win this mens. & jeff you dont mess with the OLARTES.

    luv jen.


I heart comments, thanks for leaving one =)