Monday, October 12, 2009

12 Days Post IUI

Thought it was time to update. It's the polite thing to do.

I wouldn't want anyone (Mom & Jen especially) thinking that I was rude and that I was holding back information from you. I know you are just dying to know what's going on with my uterus. Well here is the big update: I don't know.

Well maybe I do know a few little things, like:

  • I'm not having as much cramps as I usually do at this point. They come once in a blue to torture my emotions but apart from that, not much at all.
  • My boobs are not as painful as usual. I know cause I've given them a fair amount of squeezing. I had to test them to make sure.
  • I'm going on Wednesday to get my blood test done to find out whether Jeff and the Dr. managed to knock me up or not.
  • I'm going to the So You Think You Can Dance show Wednesday night. And I know this has nothing to do with my uterus, but if I don't update my test results, you'll know why.
So there. You are as informed as I am.  And maybe you are not as anxious as me but now you know what I know. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go have a lil chit chat with God... again....


  1. Yay for updates, sounds promising :)

  2. I am crossing everything that I have for you -- fingers, toes, legs, arms, hair, eyes? I really am hoping it works this time! :)

    Funny, I've never actuall me you, but I feel like I know you -- and I'm really hoping that you and your uterus are with child... kinda weird, huh? But in a good way??


  3. I'm so jealous you are going to the SYTYCD show! I loved the past season. Hope you'll be celebrating that night, and by the way you have to update us before the show, we know you have a blackberry so you have excuses!

  4. I meant that you have no excuses! Good luck!

  5. No cramps make me happy, I hope you get good news on Wednesday! Now go and feel your boobs up if anything shall change let us know immediately lol

  6. thank you sis iam praying and i know as a aunt there is a little niece or nephew (S) coming our way
    GOOD LUCK on wed honey you know im there....


  7. Praying that the outcome of your chit chat with God is His response, "Yes".

  8. Fingers, toes, arms, eyes, and any other possible thing crossed for you. I want good baby news from you in a few days (you hear that God?)!

  9. I'm going to put in a good word for you when I speak to God, my fingers are crossed for you!

  10. Thanks for keeping us updated, still praying for you friend!

  11. Wednesday!?! Can't wait to get the update.

  12. Wishing...hoping...praying with every fiber of my body!!!

  13. PRAYING!!! I'm anxiously anticipating the results!!

  14. I am praying this is your cycle Shanny! G/L and have fun at SYTYCD!!!

  15. Well, my stomach is in knots and I am very nervous (anxious). I am praying and hoping. I think I have to give God a break so that He can also listen to you. I think I am taking up a lot of His time these days. Enjoy the show. Love,hugs and kisses,

  16. Is that Wed as in tomorrow? I can't wait to hear the results. Baby dusting everywhere.

  17. Fingers crossed and prayers headed your way. : )

  18. keeping my fingers crossed for you and Jeff!

  19. Hoping and wishing and praying xo

  20. So exciting for you! Equally excited about SYTYCD!

  21. Hey sweet girl, just checking in :) SO jealous about SYTYCD!!!! And have EVERYTHING crossed for Wednesday's appoint. Thinking of you -


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