Thursday, February 4, 2010

I'm impregnated!


Will it work out? I can only pray. I have to pray for it/them to implant and give me a darn BFP. Then I'll have to pray it sticks. This is nerve wracking!

Wanna know how it went down? Ok, I'll tell you!
I was a good girl and drank a lot of water before we arrived at the clinic for the transfer. I had a serious case of the trembling. It might have been the cold water, the cold weather or just pure nerves. I think I was just cold, Jeff thinks I was nervous. And he may be right, when I had finally stopped trembling we heard one of the doctors telling the couple next to us that their embryos were not looking good. They were poor and not dividing properly, I was listening as they were told that their chances were low but to pray because it's now in God's hands. At day 3 they only had 2 at 4 cells and 1 at 7 cells. My heart broke for her and I cried for them, they had several attempts already and had barely any hope for this try. I started trembling again, hands, legs, teeth chattering and didn't stop until my transfer was done.

I had no idea what I was going to be told about our embryos and felt like a horrible person wishing I didn't have the same fate as them. I didn't see their faces, I didn't meet them, but I'm praying really hard that they get a break and have a miracle.

My blastocysts on the other hand were fine. Better than fine. We lost one, but have 5 fighters. 3 were grade AA (perfect) and 2 were grade BB (very good). We have been blessed even making it this far, especially considering we only had 6 mature eggs to begin with. The doctor advised that we only transfer one because we have the other four and would be able to do a Frozen Embryo Transfer if this one didn't work out. We decided to go for two. We just want to have the best chance because even with all this, nothing is guaranteed. I just don't feel strong enough to do it again, these treatments are too overwhelming for me. And even if it doesn't work out, I'll know I gave myself the best chance. All I know is that we just need one and if we happen to get 2 we'll just have to celebrate twice. My other 3 embabies are now frozen, and I can't help but wonder if I'll ever meet them.

February marks our 2 years and 6 months of trying to become parents. Hopefully one or both of these two can put an end to that ongoing count:

Left: Grade AA, Right: Grade BB.

Don't they look like us? The left one takes after mommy and the right one after daddy. His head is bigger, that's why =) Now we wait.......


  1. Good luck!! Will be praying that those little ones snuggle in tight!

  2. Yay! I'm so glad that you got 5 great eggs! That is the one thing that I am very nervous about. But I know if I think about it too much I'll drive myself crazy. I'm so glad that you decided to do two. I think that gives you a great chance at a BFP!! Praying for you!

  3. Oh man! I'm sorry about the couple next to you, its so sad :(
    You are not a horrible person for wishing to have better news than them, you have a big heart to shed a tear for them and to pray for them. I'm wishing you both good luck!

  4. Good luck Shanny and Jeff!
    Sorry you were so nervous, you poor thing ((hugs))

  5. Yay for having fantastic embabies, my fingers are crossed for you guys!

    I see the resemblance by the way lol

  6. I'm glad you guys decided to increase your chances with the two blastocysts, I hope at least one sticks! Good luck :)

  7. Good luck! I hope you stay impregnated for the next 36+ weeks!

  8. OMG this is great news!
    I'm sending you lots of babydust!

  9. I'm sorry about that couple but I'm happy for you. It is a big blessing that your low number of eggs turned into great quality embryos, so exciting! GL

  10. Yay Shanny! And Jeff!
    You are almost there, almost. I'm praying your trying phase is over for a long long time and that you have a wonderful family growing inside right now.

    Love the embabies pics, they are gorgeous :)~

  11. I'm praying for you guys! I can't wait to see that BFP post from you!

  12. I am trembling too....from excitment!!! Good Luck!

  13. GOOD LUCK!!!!! Totally praying for you all!

  14. Sending sticky vibes your way!!! Fingers crossed!!!

  15. Good luck!!!! Fingers crossed for a sticky BFP! :)

  16. What cute embabies. I definitely see the resemblence of Jeff in baby #2 :)

    I'll be praying that they snuggle in nice and tight!

  17. I'm so excited for you, Shanny! Good luck!!!!!

  18. YES YES YES!!!!! So excited for you!!! I have a great feelng!!! =) Can't wait to hear more...

  19. Please please please! Hoping wishing praying that it works!!

  20. Shanny I just love you so much. Did you know that? And not even a joke... I feel good about this! I feel really good :)
    You are the sweetest thing on the planet... and I just want you to know that.
    Saying extra prayers for you and your little bubs... :)

  21. 5 eggs is great!! I am praying that you get your BFP!!

  22. Praying this is it Shanny! YEAH

  23. Your embabies are soooooo cute! And I think they're going to love it "in there" and never want to leave!

  24. I was thinking earlier today that you had probably had the transfer, and then I got home and read your post. Good luck, and I can't wait to read about your BFP!!

  25. Wishing and hoping and praying sooooooo much that this is your turn. I'll be waiting (imapatiently) for your news in a few weeks. ((hugs)) *secretly hoping you guys get twins!*

  26. Shanny this is wonderful! I'm so glad your embabies are doing so good. I have a great feeling that 2 weeks from now you will be writing a bfp post. I'm praying for you hun!

  27. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!!!!!!!

  28. Your embabies are beautiful!!! I'm seriously SOO excited for you, and have such good vibes!!!

  29. They are beautiful!!! I will be praying for you!!!

  30. Yesssssss! Beautiful blasts...I couldn't wait to get home from work today to find out how it went. I am praying for you!!!!

  31. aww sweetie i wish you thebest of luck

  32. I was thinking that the AA looked like you & the BB looked like Jeff, too! How ironic. :) Good luck -- now stick babies!

  33. Good Luck!!! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you amd will pray.

  34. I nominated you for an award on my blog :-)

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Such great news. I can't wait to hear how the "next chapter" turns out!


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