Wednesday, June 2, 2010

THE WINNER IS...... and completely unrelated, check out my kids too!

Comment number 14

She is now the proud owner of this ipod cozy:

Lots of thanks to my sister-in-law Zaira for making it for me (and Tiffany)
If you feel left out feel free to check out her etsy store, just clicky on her name =)

Oh, and check out the new u/s pics from today at 19 weeks 4 days
to the top right of your screen ~~~~>
Everything is great:
 Girl's heartbeat was at 130bpm
Boy's heartbeat was at 136bpm

And once again congrats to Tiffany!!!


  1. OMG, they are so big!! You got some cuties baking in there!!

  2. The babies are getting SO BIG!!!!!!! I love them :)
    Congrats Tiffany!! (even though I am very jealous that I didn't win!!)

  3. Congrats Tiffany!

    Shanny the babies look so great, I'm glad everything is good :)

  4. WaaaHooo! Thanks so much! And your babies look adorable by the way!!

  5. Congrats to Tiffany!!!!
    And those are some cute kiddos you've got there Shanny!!! :)

  6. Your babies are adorable!
    Congrats to Tiffany, I'm jealous =)

  7. Good for Tiffany but bad for me lol

    Love the babie's pics and I love that things are good, yay babies!

  8. Yaaay!! They totally look like babies now. Not that they didn't before, but you know what I mean. :) Keep on growing babies. You're lookin' great!

  9. They are so adorable!


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