Friday, August 6, 2010

What are my sweethearts doing to my heart?

They are making it work in overdrive AND overtime!

That's all.

My heart echo showed a perfect heart, thankyouveymuch. The chambers and all its thingys looked good. No issues whatsoever. The only thing going on is that I have two little babies demanding more and more blood from mommy. Who can blame them really? They feel all the love I'm pumping into them and they are so addicted to it that they keep wanting more.

The cardiologist's only concern was that I have a while more to go and hopes that I call ASAP if my shortness of breath and heart rate gets completely out of control. For now all I can do is well, nothing.... literally nothing. He thinks I will be fine as long as I have absolutely no fun take it real slow and stay put so the kiddos can get what they need from me. And if I didn't already have a complex for being short he said that if I was 5'8" carrying twins I wouldn't have this problem, it all comes down to me being so petite. Thanks Doc, my self esteem is now low but at least my heart is good!

Speaking of me being short...
here is a pic of my non-5'8" body  in pregnant mode at 28 weeks:

Oh, and in regards to my baby shower, I haven't received any more pics yet. I'll wait for the weekend to be over and if I don't get any more I'll just post what I have. My peeps don't understand the importance of me updating my blog I tell ya!... though that's probably because they don't know I have one.... but still, I want pics!


  1. Aww Shanny you look great! :) Glad your heart is good too!

  2. Glad to hear that ticker is okay! And I hear ya on being short...we definitely experience pregnancy different than those tall mamas :)

  3. My heart has been acting up tp again...My regular OB and high risk OB said that I will probably spend my last trimester in the hospital because of my heart...I hope they are wrong...that would really bite but be worth it in the end....My Dr.'s say that my heart acting now is nothing compared to what will happen when my blood volume really increased in the second who knows whats in store:) Im like you though....I had an echo and some other tests done my heart is healthy its just the constant tachycardia....but like I said before this is something I developed after the blood clot in my lung from the first IVF and I have been on med since...Well you look great:) and I hope you continue to feel well:)

  4. Glad your ticker is still doing well. Yep, you got some babies in there! :)

  5. I love, love, love your bump! I'm a shorty like you and so I sympathize! But I say 5'8 is TALL, we are not short! You look awesome and I'm so happy your heart is just pumping extra love to the babes!

  6. Yep, that looks like a belly made for one boy and one girl!! You're looking, go lay down momma!!!

  7. Look at that bump! So cute! I'm so happy your heart is doing well...take it easy girl!

  8. Your adorable! So glad to hear that your feeling better too! Can't wait to meet the little ones!

  9. Great to hear your heart is okay and the babies are doing well. You look really good!


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