Wednesday, October 24, 2012

I Love My Kids More Than You.... and surrogacy...

I'm in no way saying that I love my kids more than you love yours, just that I love mine more cause well, they are mine... and I don't love yours more than you either, that would be creepy. Well unless you are Jeff, then I definitely love your kids more than you.

So yes, I love them. I'm blessed to have them. And in some ways I'm glad that these are my only ones. No, I don't want more kids... its just that my uterus likes to complain sometimes (yes, I'm surprised too since she wasn't too keen on the whole pregnancy business to begin with, but alas...) she even offered herself for me to rent her out... she thinks she is the only one who gets to decide ... well she held the power once, NOT anymore, gwaa hahhaha hah.

Anyway, I was watching some show where surrogacy was mentioned and it got me thinking. Would I have done that? Nope. But? What if I had to use a surrogate and get these same two kiddos that I now love more than life itself? Well, I wouldn't know them so I suppose that my answer would still be no. And then of course I wondered... would I like to be a surrogate? Still probably not. I believe its an amazing gift for my infertile sisters but unless I know you and love you (like a lot) I wouldn't do it for you. Am I selfish? Exactly that. I am unable to imagine myself going through a pregnancy and not keeping that baby. But then of course, I also know your dreams and hopes and can't imagine not giving you the chance to love your kid more than me. So either I stalk you for life or I just don't do it. This was never an option by the way... this is just hypothetical.. but I'm glad I never had to make the choice. (Mom and Jeff, you can breathe)

I do, however, read a few surrogacy blogs and even though I don't know your pain of giving up that miracle I know the love from the other woman, so thank you. Thank you for allowing them to love their kids more than anyone else, and for being so brave.


  1. I know what you are saying. I think that the only person I would have been able to be a surrogate for was my sister - but she didn't need my services :) But I do agree that they are amazing women. And let's not forget that many of these women are married, so they must also have amazing husbands to be so supportive.

    1. Oh yes, those husbands are definitely amazing!

  2. They are amazing I think I would be too selfish also unless it was one of my sisters. But I would have used a surrogate had I needed one, don't tell my sisters lol

    You got me with the title, I was thinking no she didn't just say that I read further and as usual you had me laughing out loud!

    1. Glad you are with me in the selfish boat... it would suck to be alone lol

  3. I love MY kid more than you too lol
    Those women are great! I know they get paid but no amount of money is ever worth the sadness, nothing is except maybe knowing how they've made another woman a happy mother.

  4. My mom used to ask me all the time if I'd consider a surrogate. I wasn't willing to even consider it unless it was a completely hopeless situation for us to conceive. Finally, we did so it was never an issue. I couldn't do it for someone else either after battling infertility. There is just a part of your soul that I don't think ever truly recovers. I have read stories of surrogates and donors. These women AMAZE me with their strength and generosity. Pregnancy is not easy and to do it for someone else's happiness just amazes me. I get what you're saying 100% from one infertile to another.

    1. Sooo true! it stays with you no matter what....


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