Thursday, April 16, 2009

Its Stooopid!

My body is so stooopid it should be ashamed of itself.
Honestly though, it needs to get with the program and learn how to operate properly. It's kind of embarrassing to women kind, no? I think so.

Which body in its right mind don't want to do what its meant to do? Mine. Ya think that if it won't let me get pregnant or keep a baby at the very least it would allow me to get my period. It is the total opposite of what I want so why not give it to me? why? Either my tumor is messing with me again or well my answer is in the title: because my body is stooopid.

When I said I wasn't sure if I was giving Clomid a shot in April I didn't mean for my period not to come in April. Maybe in its own retarded way my body thought it was doing what I asked. Well no. I want to get on with the flow, no pun intended. Or is it that its smart and its helping me make a decision to try for my baby? Cause God knows, if I skip this cycle I might have to wait until August for my next shot at a baby. Gosh!


  1. I hear ya sister!!

    I fucking hate my body right now.

    S X

  2. I'm so sorry :( Hopefully it comes soon so you can get on with things! GL!

  3. ohhh I hear you too! can you tell my body to get in line too?!?!

  4. I'm right there with you!


  5. I'm so sorry. Hopefully AF will show up really soon.

  6. It's got to get with the program eventually! I'm sending AF vibes your way.

  7. I hear you. Im sitting here cycle day 53 and have nothing. Our bodies need to get with the program

  8. I'm sorry but you had me laughing! It really would be great if our bodies stop acting so stupid. Good luck!

  9. I hope your body decides to get with the program. Good luck!

  10. Man, that is so unfortunate. I hate that you're dealing with this and I hope AF did come for a visit this time (for your sake).

    Best wishes dearie!

  11. Hey Shanny! Thanks for saying hi :) Same old same old with the baby body is still stupid too! Didn't ovulate last month, just getting a response to the provera 2 weeks after the last pill, and on to trying femara this next try. I will be seeing an RE when we move back to the States in June! Thank God!! Hope your body is getting into gear...don't you just love the female reproductive system??!!! ha!

  12. Hang in there, honey!

    Winks & Smiles,


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