Monday, October 19, 2009

And Now I Present Clomid...

Ding, ding, ding, ding...

You hear that ovaries? That's the bell warning you that Clomid round 4 is here and you should be afraid, very afraid. This time the dose goes up to 100mg, no more weak, sad, poor little 50mg, nope... the big guy is here to finish you off so you better watch it! Do as I say and you won't get hurt, overstimulated maybe but not hurt. I think. Now I understand why some athletes need the extra help of steroids, I feel like I'm in their shoes right now... though my way is legal and I'm not in any sports... Anyway, all we want to do is win.

So ovaries, I have my boxing globes on with same trigger shot, same IUI, same husband but with extra drugs to fight you to the end. It's on!


  1. I hope 100mg does the trick!

  2. I hope you knock this cycle out with a nice BFP!

  3. And the same lovely friends on your side of the ring rooting for you.... Go Shanny, GO!
    We are all with you and Jeff, praying and hoping. Love you, love you! love you!
    Hugs & Kisses, mom

  4. Im praying that 100mg and this IUI is just what you need!!

  5. Crossing my fingers that this time will be IT!! Good luck :)

  6. Thanks for stopping by and for your sweet comment!!

    Hoping this one is it for you!! Fingers crossed!!

  7. Good luck on round four! Hopefully the increased dose will work!

    Remind me...have the previous doses made you ovulate at least?
    Or just geared up to ovulate? Sorry, I forget :(

  8. You go girl! Thinking of you and your hubby and wishing you both the best xo

  9. Thinking of you!! I Have heard really good things about clomid!

  10. I read a lot of Clomid success stories on The Nest (now The Bump) when I used to frequent the site!!

  11. Thanks for commenting on my blog!! I hope this round of clomid works for you!

  12. Good luck! I've got my fingers crossed for you!

  13. Dang, you look good in that bikini! ;)

    Go get 'em girl!

  14. I hope round 4 is the last one for you guys!! (how fun that you went to see SYTYCD performance!! we love that show!)


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