Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Christian Grey...

Yay or Nay?

I have not read these books, no shade of it.
I'm not sure if to give in or not.
I'm not prude, my innocent eyes will survive... I think.
I went to buy the trilogy but read some reviews and some people had nothing nice to say...
And that turned me off... (weird... considering the books)
But maybe they are just haters..... right?
What do you think?
Is 50 shades of Grey worth my time?
I've heard many babies being born from this... and if that happens I'll be pissed with the author for not sharing before my IVF, and also probably suing my Doc for a faulty tube job... (cha-ching!)
But do share, yes, no, maybe? And WHY? or Why not?


  1. I read them and it was good.
    I think this book has a lot o negative press because people think it's too racy... but who is forcing them to read it? exactly.

    1. Well, actually I'm probably asking to be forced into reading it... and if I don't like it I shall blame YOU ;)

  2. Yes, yes, YES!
    That's what Christian Grey made me say lol so I'm telling you for Jeff's sake... read them, now!

    1. Hmmm... I'm not sure if I should send you to your own room or run and buy the book, you know for Jeff...

  3. Yay. Your inner goddess will thank you!
    it's basically porn on paper so make sure you are mentally ready for it. The people who didn't like it are just saints wannabes. the story itself is enjoyable, porn or no porn.

    1. Ahhh the story... I'm assuming there is a nice romantic side?

  4. "If you respect your husband you won't read this", that's what a friend told me. My husband on the other hand was very grateful there ever was a character like Christian Grey LOL

    1. Heehee, good for you ... and your hubby! And I guess Christian?

  5. Hey - I'm not prude, I read the first book and thought it was the worst thing I ever read. I have an open mind but honestly the story was so incredibly stupid and ridiculous, I just couldn't go on. No saint wannabe over here...I just like decent books to read :)

    1. I was personalizing my opinion based on some of my friends, whom since I know so well, I can call them on their BS. Hope I didn't offend you!
      For some it does come down to storyline and taste, I can understand that ;)

    2. Andrea, I've read the same kind of thing about the story being a bit unbelievable which is exactly my reservation on it. Racy or not I like a good story... I'm still undecided :-/

  6. I did NOT want to read them, but I did. I liked them ok, but some of the terminology and repetitiveness got on my nerves by the 3rd book. However, I say go ahead. If you like them, then yay. If not, then oh well. You'll still be Shanny either way! =)

    1. I like being me... lol
      It seems there are more pro 50 shades than not.. I might just give in...

  7. I took so long to give in because that's kind of book isn't really my thing. I really enjoyed all of the books and the overa story. I would read it! And the thing about don't read this if you love your husband .....so dumb!!!!! My husband had no problem with it and listened to me ramble on about it a lot! Haha.

  8. Thank you so much for the wonderful book! I finished it a few days ago and cannot get it out of my head. It is pure magic. It was everything I hoped it would be and much more. Thank you so much.
    Christian Grey


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